Barrier-free education for all women.
$50,000 for projects that will help to achieve barrier-free education for all women.
Applications currently being considered.

Equality Versus Equity – is there more work to be done?
Graduate Women Canterbury (GWC) is the Trust which is responsible for overseeing the non-profit organisation, GWC Regalia Hire. Together both entities focus on further education for wāhine in Waitaha Canterbury.
Each year funding is made available from profits through the hire of academic graduation regalia to give back to the tertiary community through initiatives, scholarships, awards and equity grants.
Let’s make it happen.

We are here to celebrate mahi and success, while creating opportunities for further success here in Waitaha Canterbury.
Photo credit: Lincoln University (Graduation Afternoon Ceremony 2021)
What we do.
Our board works hard to reach the largest percentage of eligible individuals in Canterbury as possible. We have a generous combination of bequeathed awards, scholarships and initiatives, and we are now working on creating equity grants to reach even more beneficiaries.
Our mission and strategic goals guide our collaborations and ultimately enable further educational pathways for our wāhine in Canterbury.
But we can do so much more, which is exactly where GWC is heading.

We have a strong volunteer community who work in our Regalia business to guarantee graduations run smoothly and the regalia is available and in perfect condition. If you have some spare time and would like to give back to your community, we always welcome individuals of any age to join the regalia team on Tuesdays – a delicious lunch is provided!

Your application is your voice, and against outstanding talent, your voice must be strong!
Make sure you leave no stone unturned when applying for any scholarship or award.

History of GWC.
The Canterbury Branch of New Zealand Federation of University Women was originally formed in the 1920s to support women graduates socially and professionally in a time where women tertiary students and graduates were a significant minority.
Since the roaring 20’s momentous change has ensued in society within the parameters of equity and equality in education. However, the need for support, guidance and financial assistance is still visibly with us today.