Horizon landscape exhibition: Sadie Balkind scholar showcases her work
Horizon Landscape Exhibition of the Lincoln University School of Landscape Architecture; image from the Instagram account of the exhibition.
GWC trustees were delighted to attend the recent Horizon landscape exhibition, a showcase of selected design projects by graduating students of the School of Landscape Architecture at Lincoln University. This year’s Sadie Balkind scholar, Erika Hansen, was among those exhibiting.
Highlights of Erika’s design project can be seen on the exhibition’s Instagram page, where Erika notes that
The design is founded on the concept of an experiential therapeutic landscape that facilitates secular Soul work, which I termed ‘Soulscapes’ in master’s dissertation Soulscapes: An Exploration of the Relationship between Wilderness Landscapes and Soul Wellbeing (Hansen, In progress).
The Sadie Balkind scholarship has supported Erika’s mahi while she completes her theoretical research for her dissertation, along with the design project in the exhibition. GWC commends the innovation in Erika’s project to create a secular vocabulary for contemporary challenges to human wellbeing. Ka rawe te mahi, Erika!
Applications for this year’s Sadie Balkind scholarship are open until 15 December. If you are a woman with a record of high academic achievement, who is planning to undertake postgraduate research below PhD level at either Lincoln University or the University of Canterbury in 2024, then apply now!