Breaking barriers through career development for women at Lincoln University
A career development programme at Lincoln University is making a difference for professional women staff in tertiary education.
Through its Tertiary Initiatives funding, GWC is proud to partner with Lincoln University to fund a Career Development Programme for Professional Women Staff.
In its report on the 2023 programme, Lincoln University notes that
professional development opportunities for female staff within tertiary institutions are often inconsistent and lacking in focus on career development and progression, especially for those in non-academic positions
and that the known impacts of parental leave and part-time work can further serve to interrupt or prevent career progression.
The 2023 Career Development Programme for Professional Women Staff consisted of a workshop, a detailed report compiled using a dedicated assessment tool, and a one-on-one coaching session with an accredited coach. By these means the university encourages
non-academic women staff to identify their key strengths and skills and create an individual development and career plan. … [By] investing in career development for professional women staff, it demonstrates that the University values them.
96 women have completed the programme in 2022 and 2023, almost 50 percent of eligible staff. More participants are expected in 2024, when an alumni group is planned for the ongoing support and networking of programme graduates.
GWC is delighted to support an impactful programme making a difference in the lives of women working in tertiary education, for whom dedicated career planning is not always available. In the words of one participant, “I had not appreciated until this workshop and assessment how many skills I have and how I could do a whole range of jobs!”.
This is mana mātauranga | empowered education in action, expressing GWC’s commitment to make things happen for women in Waitaha | Canterbury.