Noeline Clark Foundation Scholarship.
Administered through Burnside High School
The Noeline Clark Foundation supports 10 applicants from Burnside High School to study at Canterbury University, with the recipients announced at the year 13 graduation and prizegiving. A GWC trustee is a member of the selection panel for this scholarship annually.
The Noeline Clark Foundation Charitable Trust was established by Noeline Clark who was a Divisional Principal at Burnside High School from 1960 to 1976 and a member of the Canterbury branch of the Federation of University Women. Since the year 2000, the Foundation has awarded 26 scholarships to Burnside High School students to help pay tuition fees for undergraduate study at the University of Canterbury.
Initially the Foundation gave two $1,000.00 scholarships each year. In 2008 the late Richard Clark, Ms Clark's brother, vested further funds into the Trust on his passing and this enabled the Trustees to increase scholarships to two $5,000.00 annual awards. It is the wishes of Ms Clark that the Foundation continues indefinitely and the Trustees are working hard to ensure that is possible. In 2021, 10 female recipients were offered a scholarship of $1,000.
Recipients must have attended Burnside High School in the year immediately preceding their first year of study at the University of Canterbury.