ARA Funding Initiative – Placement Support Making all the Difference.
Funding provided by GWC allows Ara Institute of Canterbury Ltd to provide targeted financial support to women studying a programme which incurs expenses related to compulsory placements or block courses (e.g. travel, accommodation, childcare).
Over the course of three years, Ara has helped over 75 individual students from four degree programmes that have a proportionally high rate of women students. The scholarships have provided targeted financial support to ensure the students focus was on their studies and not on the financial barriers that can complicate and obstruct study for women.
“My studies are going very well; I have enjoyed this year so much and I am very excited for next year! The scholarship has eased the financial burden of being a satellite student so much. It has allowed me and my husband to work a few less hours and maximise my study time. Thank you so much.”
“Thank you for considering my application for a Graduate Women Placement Support Scholarship. This financial assistance will help me achieve my goals by supporting my accommodation costs for my third year of study… [which includes] 25 weeks of placement in Dunedin Hospital.”
“Being a single parent and studying is a challenge in itself, but financially it’s almost impossible. Placements make my life extremely difficult as I don’t have the flexibility to fit in a few hours of work here and there. I absolutely love nursing. I am a hardworking and dedicated student, and I don’t want to give up. I want to provide my son with a better life and be a good role model for him. Being awarded this scholarship will make a huge difference to my life and my placement experience. I will be able to keep on top of my bills throughout the 5 weeks [of placement] and be able to pay for the childcare required without having to work extra hours.”
Ara has supported the work and mission of GWC in advocating for women’s rights, equality and empowerment through helping women to overcome financial barriers experienced while undertaking academic study. Ultimately, this is improving employment opportunities for women in Canterbury.